
Official Website Launch Post, Huzzah!

For the past four years I continually delayed building a proper website for myself. It got pretty ridiculous there.

Kyle Baker at hid studio desk watching Google Analytics on website launch day
Dramatization -- Much as I'd love to sit back and watch the analytics, I got a ton of client work to do.

I have my clients to thank. They have kept me super busy in that time and I happily put it off month after month. (It ended up being a very big project — how could I not come correct after all that time?)

And just as much I have friends and family to thank. Sometimes I wonder, usually aloud, why anyone would hire a creative like myself when all he’s got online is a handful of rock posters and a couple logos from 2007? Word-of-mouth referrals have been the lifeblood of my business. Ya’ll should be in law or advertising.

Please don’t stop! Now you can actually send people somewhere that, at the very least, should confirm that I exist.

Anyway I hope you dig the site. I intend on keeping it pretty fresh.